Fall is finally here and it's time again for one of our club's most fun and successful fundraisers: the Fall Wine Raffle! Last year we raised $9,000, much of which was used to support the District 5300 wheelchair project. This year's raffle will support our District's literacy project and local youth programs. Tickets are only $20!!
Everyone can be a part of this FUNdraiser by: a) donating at least 3 bottles of your favorite wine (so long as it's not "2-Buck Chuck"); b) promoting this fundraiser through your personal network and especially through your social media outlets; c) by visiting other Rotary clubs in Southern Nevada to share the fun and sell tickets; d) selling tickets to your network of friends, family, business associates and vinophiles (that would be fellow wine-lovers!). Be sure to offer the opportunity to everyone!
I will be collecting your wine donations at our club meetings and the Oct. 25 fireside. If you are not a wine-lover and would prefer, simply give myself, Jim Cady or another one of our raffle organizers your $$ and we will purchase wine on your behalf.
Attached is the link to the flyer for our event. http://www.rotarysummerlin.org/Fundraisers/2012/Wine/1210%20WineRaffle.pdf. You can post this to your Facebook and Twitter pages or simply attach as an email and send out to your contacts list. Each club member has been given 15 tickets to sell, so get started early and set yourself a goal to sell a minimum of 20! Or get really excited and set your minimum at 25!! The more the merrier.
The drawing will take place on Dec. 11. 1st Place: 50 bottles of wine; 2nd Place 30 bottles; 3rd Place 20 bottles. So uncork your inner "FUNdraiser" and get selling! This can also be a great membership recruitment tool...let it open up a conversation about Rotary. :)
For more information on the Piyali School project or to order wine tickets go to our web page at: